
Useful information


Electricity is provided at every location, the socket corresponds to your booked pitch number. You need a Euro plug to access electricity. If you have forgotten this or do not have one, you can rent it at the reception. The rental fee for a Euro plug is 30 euros, of which 25 euros are a deposit. If you need an extension cable, you can also rent one at the reception. Power outages can be reported by phone at +32 (0)89 46 96 40 or at the reception.


WiFi is only available around the central buildings: reception, cafeteria, restaurant. You can log in by selecting the network named Goolderheide and then connecting. Once connected, open your browser and you will be asked to read and accept the terms. After that, you can use the internet.


Drive exclusively at walking pace (10 km/h). Driving too fast may result in temporary denial of access for your vehicle. Goolderheide staff may drive faster in emergencies. Driving with cars in the park should be kept to a minimum. Quads are not allowed in the park. Electric bikes and scooters must also adhere to the 10 km/h limit. Scooters and mopeds must also adhere to the 10 km/h limit; if not possible, they must be walked by hand.

Night rest

The barrier is open during high season from 07:30 am to 11:00 pm. Use of the car during the night rest is not permitted. Playing radios or other sound devices is allowed until 10:00 pm but must not be disturbing to others. Silence is required thereafter until 8:00 am.

Access Bracelet

Upon check-in, you will receive an access bracelet. You are required to wear this bracelet throughout your stay. When entering through the barrier, you must always show it. This serves as proof that you are staying at the campsite. This procedure has been implemented for your own safety and to prevent unwanted visitors and thefts at the campsite. We therefore kindly ask for your cooperation in showing this bracelet to our staff when requested. If you are not wearing it, you will be asked to report to reception. The bracelet is worn around the wrist. If you lose it or it is completely broken, you can get a new one at reception.

All facilities on the campsite, such as the swimming pool, playgrounds, mini golf, etc., can be accessed without passing through reception. You can walk past the snack bar to reach all facilities.

Waste Disposal Site

Upon your arrival, you received a card with our logo for the waste disposal site and a card for the barrier. To retrieve the €30 deposit, you must return both cards upon departure.

The waste disposal site is located slightly further than the reception at the green gate on the left side. Here, you can bring your glass, paper, and trash bags. These can be deposited in the press container. Insert your card into the holder, see the amount decrease, remove the card, and then pull the lever down. Place your trash bags inside and then close the hatch again. The standard fee on the waste disposal card is €6.00. Depositing a trash bag means that €2.00 will be deducted from the card. If the card is empty, reload it for free at the reception.


Dogs are always welcome at our campsite as long as they are leashed. There are trash cans located throughout the campsite where you can dispose of dog waste bags.


If you have visitors, they must check in at the reception. If they are only staying during the day, they can purchase a day pass and must leave by 10:00 PM. Would you like to invite a family member or friend for a few nights? That's possible (provided you do not exceed the maximum number of persons for the accommodation/pitch). You can register the guest at the reception. The departure time for the guest is before 12:00 PM the next morning.